Project Details

Location: Port Authority of Thailand - Thailand, Bangkok
Product: PAMARES
Completed: 29 August 2024



The Port Authority of Thailand (PAT) in Bangkok was facing concerns over air quality, particularly with high levels of particulate matter (PM2.5). As a busy hub with significant industrial and logistical activity, the area was prone to elevated pollution levels that posed health risks to employees and visitors.

Prior to the deployment of PAMARES technology at the PAT office, the air quality in the vicinity was monitored using traditional methods. PM2.5 levels were measured manually, providing limited real-time data. The area surrounding the PAT office was prone to elevated levels of PM2.5 pollution, with readings often exceeding acceptable limits. Traditional solutions such as water spraying were employed sporadically to mitigate air pollution, but their effectiveness was limited.

The challenge was to find an effective solution to reduce PM2.5 concentrations in the immediate vicinity of the port, ensuring a healthier environment for all.


To address this challenge, two PAMARES units were deployed at the front park of the Port Authority of Thailand office. These units were strategically placed to maximize their coverage area. The PAMARES system operates by continuously filtering the air, effectively removing harmful particulate matter such as PM2.5. The units were tested in a live demonstration, where air quality was monitored both within and outside the claimed 7-meter  radius coverage area. The PAMARES system's unique compatibility with existing street poles and its power in repeated presence throughout streets contribute to the effective reduction of air pollution. The system is also easy to install thanks to its plug-and-play solution.


Efficiency: The field demonstration yielded promising results. When measuring PM2.5 levels outside the 7-meter radius coverage area, concentrations were recorded between 48-54 μg/m³. However, between the two PAMARES units, the PM2.5 levels dropped significantly. This reduction represents a 36-38% decrease in PM2.5 concentrations, demonstrating the effectiveness of the PAMARES system in improving air quality within its coverage area.

Comparative Analysis: The test results highlight the substantial impact of PAMARES on air quality. The reduction in PM2.5 levels within the coverage area underscores the system's capability to effectively combat air pollution in targeted zones. Compared to other methods, such as water spraying, PAMARES offers a low-power, easy-to-install, and maintainable solution, making it an attractive option for industrial areas like the Port Authority of Thailand.

Health Benefits: The successful reduction of PM2.5 levels in the demonstration area is expected to lead to a healthier environment for the port's employees and visitors. With cleaner air, the risk of pollution-related health issues is likely to decrease, contributing to better respiratory health and overall well-being.

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