Project Details

Location: Waalkade Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Product: PAMARES
Completed: 24 August 2024

Waalkade Nijmegen


At Nijmegen’s Waal Quay, a picturesque riverside spot in the Netherlands where cruise ships dock and barges frequently pass by, the poor air quality was a growing concern. While the area wasn’t overwhelmed by heavy traffic, the close proximity to residential neighborhoods meant that people living nearby were regularly exposed to particulate matter (PM10, PM2.5, PM1) from water traffic.

The challenge was to reduce these pollution levels effectively in an area where traditional urban air quality solutions might not be sufficient due to the specific nature of the pollution source.


PAMARES, a smart city air purification device by StaticAir was installed at a strategic location on the riverside quay, integrated with existing urban security systems. This setup allowed   PAMARES to continuously monitor and purify the air, focusing on the particulate matter produced by the nearby water traffic.  The effectiveness of StaticAir's air purification system was evaluated by comparing air quality data over a 24-hour period, with measurements taken both with the system in active as well as inactive state.


Efficiency: The deployment of PAMARES resulted in a dramatic reduction in particulate matter concentrations.

Comparative Analysis: The comparison of air quality with PAMARES active versus inactive highlighted the system's effectiveness. The substantial drop in pollution levels demonstrates the significant impact PAMARES has in mitigating particulate matter in environments like Nijmegen’s Waal Quay.

 Health Benefits: The significant reduction in particulate matter provided immediate health benefits, reducing the risk of respiratory issues among residents and contributing to a healthier living environment. PAMARES effectively improved the air quality in a sensitive urban area, enhancing the well-being of the community.

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